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Building Lighted Arches - part 1

Wrapping the PVC arches with layer one, colored lights.

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Photo album created with Web Album Generator

The first stage in creating our arches was to wrap 8 sets of multi-colored lights. These will be split into two 4 set channels, the left and right side of the arch. The basic theory behind this is that we will use these lights for the beat of the music.

The above photos show how we went about wrapping the lights around the electrical PVC. Electrical PVC is a bit stronger and much more flexible that standard PVC so we used it here.

Part 2 will involve wrapping over the multi-colored lights with 9 strands of clear lights for 9 channels. These clear lights will be how make our arches "dance".

Building Lighted Arches - part 2

Wrapping the PVC arches with layer two, white lights.

We had planned on taking picture of how we over-wrapped the clear lights but the wrapping process proved a bit more challanging that we first thought it would be. Because of this, we just plain forgot to take pictures.

Instead of pictures, the above video was taken as we tested the arches using Richard Holdman's Music Box Dancer sequence.